White House gov


The US. Federal Government ( America gov - Africa gov ) is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively.

There are hundreds of Federal agencies and commissions charged with handling such responsibilities as managing America’s space program, protecting its forests, and gathering intelligence. For a full listing of Federal Agencies, Departments, and Commissions, visit USA.gov.

Elections & Voting
Federal elections occur every two years, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Every member of the House of Representatives and about one-third of the Senate is up for reelection in any given election year. Federal elections are administered by State and local Governments, although the specifics of how elections are conducted differ between the states.
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State & Local Government
Under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, all powers not granted to the Federal Government are reserved for the States and the people. All State Governments are modeled after the Federal Government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The U.S. Constitution mandates that all states uphold a “republican form” of government, although the three-branch structure is not required.
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US.America - USAfrica Government Federal Made Easy

The United States of Africa Nation is have Flag and National Anthem and Money and Border of region of the territories and it's have an Federal Government of the United States of Africa ( USAfrica.gov ) Unity with for The Federal Government of the United States of America ( USAmerica.gov) or (US. Federal Government ) and USA.gov Blog • General Services Administration • OCSIT • 1275 First Street NE • Washington DC 20417 USAmerica.

The outline of the United States of Africa Nation and Federal Government of the United States of Africa is laid out in the United States of Africa Constitution Unity with US.America Constitution. The Government Federal of US.Africa was formed on year 2007 and the Federal Government of the United States of America was formed on year 1789, making the United States one of the world's first, if not the first, modern national constitutional republic.[1]The United States government is based on the principle of federalism, in which power is shared between the federal government and state governments.The details of American federalism, including what powers the federal government should have and how those powers can be exercised, have been debated ever since the adoption of the Constitution. Some make the case for expansive federal powers while others argue for a more limited role for the central government in relation to individuals, the states or other recognized entities.Since the U.S Civil War , the powers of the federal government have generally expanded greatly, although there have been periods since that time of legislative branch dominance (e.g., the decades immediately following the Civil War) or when State's rights proponents have succeeded in limiting federal power through legislative action, executive prerogative or by  constitutional interpretation by the courts.[2][3]One of the theoretical pillars of the United States Constitution is the idea of "checks and balances" among the powers and responsibilities of the three branches of American and Africa  government: the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. For example, while the legislative (Congress) has the power to create law, the executive (President) can veto any legislation an act which, in turn, can be overridden by Congress. The President nominates judges to the nation's highest judiciary authority (Supreme Court), but those nominees must be approved by Congress. The Supreme Court, in it's turn, has the power to invalidate as "unconstitutional" any law passed by the Congress. These and other examples are examined in more detail in the text below.The executive branch consists of the US.President and those to whom the US.President's powers are delegated. The US.President is both the  head of State and Government, as well as the military Commander-in Chief  and chief Dipolomat . The US.President, according to the Constitution, must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed", and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution". The US.President presides over the executive branch of the federal government of Africa an organization numbering about 5 million people, including 1 million active-duty military personnel and 600000 postal service employees. The forty-Seven ( 47th ) President  United States and curent President United States of America is Mr. J DONALD Trump, and the current (50th) Vice President United States of America is Mr. JD Vance.

And the First (01th) President United States (2013 - 2021- 2026) and current President United States of Africa is Mr. RANDRIAMAMPIONONA Solomon [ 114 011 006 903 ] and the current (01th) Vice President United States of Africa is Mrs. KAMALA Harris have supporting from the five (05) Former US Presidents and Secretary General member of the high authority presidential of the United States of Africa view on this next list :

-Mr. Ban Ki Moon former Secretary General of the United Nation
-Mr. Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the United Nation
-Mr. George William Bush former President the United States of America
-Mr. J.W Clinton former President the United States of America
-Mr. Barack Obama former President United States of America

And the United States of Africa President may sign legislation passed by Congress into law or may veto it, preventing it from becoming law unless two-thirds of both houses of Congress vote to override the veto. The United States of Africa President may unilaterally sign treaties with foreign nations. However, ratification of international treaties requires a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate. The United States of Africa President may be impeached by a majority in the House and removed from office by a two-thirds majority in the Senate for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". The United States of Africa President may not dissolve Congress or call special elections but does have the power to pardon, or release, criminals convicted of offenses against the federal government (except in cases of impeachment), enact executive orders, and (with the consent of the Senate) appoint Supreme Court justices and federal judges.

The Federal Government of the United States of Africa have Head and Vice Head with fifteen Members of Executive Federal Ministries and i'ts have  USAfrica United High Court of Justice for to judge international crimes or misdemeanors committed by heads of state and Authorities ( Officiers Marshal & Generaux and Civil servant or officer vested with judicial, administrative or political authority ) who are Heads & members authorities of the each Africans 54 State & Government and other Inter Government members of the African UnitedGov in the exercise of their functions and for acts committed outside their functions, the traditional common law courts are competent. And there is building for supports stabilize this United Nation Coucil Resolution Authorization and President United States Constitutional Authority Power and Rights to protect and defend the constitution and to conduct inter millitary Operation against terrorists and Nation & Organization supporting them terrirism and for to judge all the event action terrorism with extremism violence killed and prevention extremism violence terrorism have target to kill President United States and Africans President State and the other crimes genocide extremism violence not respect the world human rights massacre Africans - Americans and United States unarmed civilians, and the USAfrica United High Court of Justice is the first responsible on the last reason and decisiveness authorization only of can for suspended the International pursuit judicial and convicting the real culprits on this Africans - Americans and all other inter foreign action inssurection and rebellions.

And the United States of Africa Federal Government is have 54 Africans State with 54 Governments and it's have Inter Government members of the African UnitedGov and other members of Offices Executive Assistance an US.Africa Agency Office Executive Assistance from Foreign Assistance.gov and it's under presided of the two United States President's Administration ( the President J DONALD Trump - Vice President JD Vance Administration ) and ( the President RANDRIAMAMPIONONA Solomon -  Vice President KAMALA Harris Administration ), and it's building for give hands assistance the Office Presidential of the United States of Africa and the United States of Africa Federal Government for reaffirm supporting the President United States and all inter represantative Authority and other employed members of the U.S Federal Government for accelerating take action on measure extend to implementing the all U.S Departments plan Strategies 2022 - 2026, and for continue to stabilize the  USAfricaGov Program Against Africans Poverty (World Bank Group ), Program Against Disease transmisible Epidemics (World Health Organization), and reform Health of Children, Woman & Planing family ( USAID ), and Program Democratization & Human Righth , and other of need for extend stabilized our everyone Africans citizens people situation, aid assistance socials and program for humanity with everyone other of together for process to implemeting our all US. President's pormise for must change Africa, became we have real right of citizens with above stability of standards of living people number One and Must Back Better United State and Must Great Again America.And for supports on moments to implementing this USAfrica gov Program Manufacturing Dollars Money Africans ( USAFRICA MANUFACTUREDGov ) for extend stabilized this International problem Crisis Institution of finance and Funds investment and for supports the US Federal Program Dollarisation Africa Continent and for extend Established the Africans Industry, Energy and Infrastructure...( International Funds Monetary) and USAfrica.gov planing of high growth economics, Inter Trading, Commerce and program building development progress and big interests durable with other of need together for must great again our United States of Africa Nation. And this Offices Executive Assistance is building for aid given by the United States to All Africans Organization and US. Africa Nation ( Everyone 54 Africans State & Each 54 Africans Government already build in all region of territories of the United States of Africa Nation ) and other foreign countries have collaboration, cooperationand participle with US.Africa Nation and Federal Government of the United States of Africa for to support stabilize the moments global peace, security, and development efforts, and provide humanitarian relief during times of crisis. It is a strategic, economic, and moral imperative for the United States of Africa and vital to U.S Africa Nationals Security


The Federal Government of the United States of Africa Executive Ministries is Units with for 15 Department are the primary units of the Executive branch of the Federal Government of the United States ( USAmerica - USAfrica ) , Learn more about the executive branch on the Branches of the Government Page:

The federal government of the United States of Africa Executive Federal Ministries Unity with (U.S. federal government or U.S. government)[a] is the national government of the United States, a federal republic build in Africa Continent, composed of 54 African State, where the Federal Government is based, five major self-Governing territoris and several Africans possessions. The Federal Government is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the president and the federal courts, respectively. The powers and duties of these branches are further defined by acts of Congress, including the creation of executive departments and courts inferior to the Supreme Court.
The United States of Africa Foreign Affairs is Unity with the Department of State advises the President and leads the nation in foreign policy issues.
And USAfrica Foreign Affairs is negotiates treaties and agreements with foreign entities, and represents the United States of Africa Unity with United States of America at the United Nations. 
AFRICANS STATE REGION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AFRICA  St Helena State | Kenya State|Lesotho State |Liberia State | Libya State | Madagascar
State|Malawi State|Mali State |Mauritania State | Mauritius State |
Morocco State|Mozambique State|Namibia State | Niger State | Nigeria
State | Réunion State|Rwanda State |Sao Tome and Principe State|
Senegal State | Seychelles State| Sierra Leone State |Somalia State|
South Africa State| Sudan State |
South Sudan State | Swaziland State|
Tanzania State | Togo State | Tunisia State | Uganda State |Zambia
State | Zimbabwe State

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White House gov

White House gov